How to boat proof your phone

Posted by Carolien Henn on Aug 30, 2022 8:20:30 AM

Mobile phones have become an increasingly large part of our lives and it is nearly impossible to imagine a day without one. They come in very handy for taking photos of the memories you make on the water and keeping in touch with the shore and of course socially.



Here are some tips on boat proofing your phone.


  • The cheapest option to make sure your phone does not get wet on a boat is to ZIP it. Zip lock bags come in different sizes and should be completely watertight when you buy a good brand. The downside is that you will still have to remove your smartphone from the bag to use it as the touch screen does not work through the bag.

    Phone in zip lock bag


  • A waterproof phone case, skin, or pouch is an aesthetically pleasing solution that comes in different sizes and designs. Some are even rated for underwater use, though this might be a bit more costly it is more comfortable to operate especially when you are using a touch screen smartphone.  View Suzuki's Waterproof pouch 


  • Should you not need continuous access to your phone it is quite easy to make a watertight container in which your phone and other water-sensitive devices such as car keys and remotes, you can make a waterproof holder from a plastic water-tight container that floats. Tying a thin rope and bucket to the container will secure it to the boat should you hit turbulent conditions, wakes, or launch through the surf. 
    Waterproof bottle for phone



Accidents do happen, so what do you do if your phone gets wet? 

Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind, which will assist you to hopefully recover your phone. 


  • Do not switch your phone on. If your phone was turned on and is still turned on after it fell in the water, it is best to turn it off. Mobiles that got wet can sometimes slowly start losing functionality if left on. Trying to use or charge it may cause damage to the system board.


  • Should your phone have a protective cover, remove this as well as the SIM card, additional SD card (If applicable), and phone battery. (An iPhone battery cannot be removed and should be taken to an iPhone repair shop)


  • Dry your phone with a microfiber cloth, whilst paying attention that you do not push additional moisture into the phone. Tapping the phone on the front side down may release access water from within the phone.


  • Now let your phone rest for 24 to 48 hours. If you have a silica packet from something you recently purchased, it is good to put your phone in an airtight container with such a pack to remove additional moisture.


  • If you see any indication of moisture or marks behind the screen do not switch your phone on, take it in for repair.


  • Isopropyl alcohol can be used to wipe down your phone externally as this is known to break down impurities from the ocean, pool, and even toilet water.


Here are a couple of things that you should not do.


  • Plug your phone into a charger until you are sure that it is completely dry, and the charger ports are clear and dry.


  • Do not put your phone in the sun to dry as overheating the internal components may cause further damage.


  • Do not put it in a bag or container with uncooked rice. While this method is generally recommended for other electronic devices, you do not want to add starchy rice minerals to the inside of your device.


  • Do not use a hair dryer to try and dry your device; the heat may damage components inside your phone.



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