Deep Sea Fishing Boats

Mono-hull vs Catamaran

If you’re in the market for a new deep sea fishing boat, you may be having a tough time trying to decide which one to go for. You will be faced with two basic varieties: the mono-hull and the catamaran. With two hulls, a catamaran can remain steadier on rough water. They also have a shallower draft, decreasing water resistance and the power needed to move. These are the two basic kinds to choose from and they both have their pros and cons. We love both, of course, and can offer you fine examples of each. To help with your decision, here is a list of the most important pros and cons to consider.

Most likely the first thing you will look at will be PRICE. Of course, how much you’re willing to pay will depend on a number of variables, including your needs and your budget. On the whole, however, if you are comparing a catamaran and a mono-hull, you will find that the cat is the more expensive of the two. This is because the building are costs are that much higher: constructing two hulls requires more labor and more materials.

The sneezing cat vs the spraying mono. If you’re planning to head out to sea, you have to be prepared to get a bit wet. How dry you manage to stay, though, will depend on your choice of cat or mono. It all depends on the direction of the wind and current, as well as how calm the seas are, but as a rule, monos tend to take a lot more spray over the bow, which means a damper ride on the whole. Cats, on the other hand, while providing for much drier decks, are also known for a phenomenon called the ‘sneeze’. This is where compressed air between the hulls blows a mist back out through the tunnel. This can also dampen your day a bit. All things considered, cats win out in the dry ride department.

Handling in rough waters. When the sea’s a little on its head, a cat is more than likely what you’ll be wanting to get through those rough waves. Some cats create compression tunnels – cushions of compressed air that form between the hulls. This softens the blow when you’re hitting the waves hard. The bows of many designs are usually very narrow as well, allowing the boat to slice through the water and making for smoother movement.

Power requirements. The major benefit of the catamaran is the efficiency of the hull design. Those sharp twin hulls and the compression tunnels between them, allow for greater ease of movement and less horsepower to drive the boat. Mono-hulls, being less efficient, tend to require larger outboards and therefore their running costs can get quite a bit higher. There is a trade-off here between the price of the boats (lower for mono-hulls and higher for cats) and running costs (higher for mono-hulls and lower for cats).

There are other factors to consider too, such as deck space (usually more on monos), load-bearing capacity (better with monos) and maneuverability (generally a plus in cats’ favor

Centre console

Maximizing your space around the boat, center console boats give you a 360° casting area and superior visibility. Most popular with recreational users and sports fishermen, these boats can take you through rough waters offshore and provide plenty of storage and deck space onboard for all your fishing gear.

Some features you can usually find on a center console include:

Rod holders


Bait wells

Underfloor storage


Forward console

Forward console boats gives protection in a big sea and has the advantage of being able to put up the clears all round, compared to a centre console boat which can be considered more wet. In a forward console all the space at the back of the boat which can sometimes become a bit crowded.

Cabin Boat

Cabin cruisers are a great choice for comfort and a number of amenities to make for a comfortable day on the water including head and berth and sometimes even a toilet and galley. It also offers great protection from the wind and other weather conditions. A cabin cruiser is a bigger boat to handle but this can also mean a more stable ride. For avid fishermen, a cabin cruiser allows extra comforts, especially if heading out for long-range offshore fishing trips. With plenty of deck space, side pockets, underfloor storage and live bait tanks, these boats offer plenty of features and being so versatile make for a great “all rounder” choice.

Game fishing boat

If you’re out for big game, a game fishing boat has been designed to optimize your efforts – from locating gamefish, to hooking them on rough water. Many game fishing boats will feature amenities for long trips, including a sleeping berth, toilet, cooking area, fish storage, fighting chair.


Flybridge – dual station

A flybridge seats the driver on the upper helm. This gives them a full view of the fore, aft and sides of the boat. It also opens up the lower helm for family and friends to enjoy the abundance of space on board.